
Jesus: According to Luke

Join us as we learn more about Jesus by exploring Luke’s Gospel.

Week 1: Introduction to Luke’s Gospel

Video Slides Handout Recap

Week 2: Luke the Evangelist
(That You May Have Certainty)

Video Handout

Resting in Jesus During Trials & Suffering

Discover the apostle Paul’s care for the persecuted church in I Thessalonians chapter 2 and how Jesus offers rest during times of difficulty and suffering in Dave’s sermon delivered at the Denver Vineyard Church on June 25, 2023.

Jesus Calms a Storm

Learn how Jesus demonstrated His Lordship over Creation by calming a storm in Mark 4:35 and how He can calm the storms that rage in our hearts and mind in Dave’s sermon delivered at the Denver Vineyard Church on March 12, 2023.


Learn about finding Joy in Creation, Joy in Salvation, Joy in Ministry and Joy in God’s Message in Dave’s Advent sermon delivered at the Denver Vineyard Church on December 11, 2022.